Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to be happy?

 Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word "happy" would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, and your way of thinking.
 I consider myself as a happy person, I'm happy everyday people may think for no reason, but I have reasons- every day is a new day, sun is shining, we're living. There are millions of reasons for being happy so why not, all we need is to see all the beauty of the world.
 Now I wanna give you tips following them you will be happier.
 1) No matter how tired or sad you are you need to find something to be greateful for.
 2) If you are feeling down or having a rough day, it is possible to cheer yourself up by simply thinking of a person, place or situation that makes you smile!
 3) Happy people tend to respond to negative events in a more optimistic manner than unhappy people. Overall, optimism is a central component of staying happy and healthy, so when in doubt, look on the bright side.
 4) Even though this life can sometimes feel like an individual journey, we need other people around us in order to feel happy. In fact, recent research has indicated that social relationships are the strongest predictors of happiness, much stronger than income or wealth.
 5) Happy people know that they must say NO to people, ideas, and behaviors that do not serve their highest good. Saying yes to everyone and everything can lead you to feel overwhelmed, increase your stress, and leave you less time and resources to take care of yourself!
 6) This one can be challenging for the many of us who have been wronged and/or who have experienced traumas perpetrated by other people in our lives, forgiveness does not mean that what happened was ok, it just means you no longer want to carry the pain.
 7) You need to be brave, and try new things. Do what you want to do and not what you need to do.
 8) For many of us, self-love is the greatest challenge and blockage to happiness. Years of being told by family, educators and especially the media that we are not good enough, not successful enough, not attractive enough, not capable enough and so on has left many of us feeling beaten down and unworthy. The truth is that no matter who you are and what has happened in your life, YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE! Say it out loud to yourself until you believe it.

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