Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas celebration in The United States

  In the United States, Christmas is observed on the 25th of December.
  Here the festive season traditionally begins on the fourth Thursday in November, just after the Thanksgiving holiday. On  Thanksgiving Day, a spectacular parade is taken out in New York City that has the smiling figure of Santa Claus participating in it. It indicates the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Department stores, shopping malls and small shops ready themselves appropriately for the season to attract shoppers and get them to spend quite a few bucks on Christmas trees, gifts, apparels, greeting cards and suchlike.
  In the final days leading to December 25, small evergreen trees are seen to be established in every home and beautifully decorated with colored lights, tinsel, angels, stars and bright ornaments. The exterior of almost every house and the adjoining shrubbery is adorned with strands of electric lights. Strings of electric lights are used not only to adorn mantles and doorways, rafters, roof lines, and porch railings of individual homes but also of public/commercial buildings, departmental stores and even business hubs. Christmas trees are also seen to be set up in most of these places. It is often a pastime for the American people to drive or walk around neighborhoods in the Christmas evenings to see the lights displayed on and around other homes. Those with deep pockets are often found to place life-sized, illuminated Santas, reindeers and snowmen on their lawns and roofs. Many churches and private homes display illuminated Nativity Scenes commemorating the humble birth of Jesus Christ.

  Christmas Eve is not an official holiday here. Hence most people have to work. However, many workplaces hold Christmas parties or celebrations, so there is a celebratory air to the day. For kids, it is a day of great joy since most schools and other educational establishments are usually closed. In the evening, most people add final touches to their home decorations. Many also set up the Christmas tree in their homes on this day. Many organizations and department stores are usually open for last minute Christmas shoppers, but may close earlier. Many people travel to visit family members or friends on Christmas Eve. Some people, especially Roman Catholics, attend a Midnight Mass service at church and participate in singing carols. Traditionally, the midnight mass starts at midnight, the point of transition from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day. Many Protestant churches also hold special services on Christmas Eve, complete with displays of beautiful manger scenes and candle-lit religious observances.
  The Christmas dinner in the U.S. includes turkey or ham, potatoes and pie. Cakes are of course, a must for the occasion.
  After dinner on Christmas Eve, children go to bed early but not before hanging up their stockings on the fireplace or the end of their bed to be filled with gifts and goodies by Santa Claus. On the following morning, children wake up to look for their desired items in their stockings and also find nicely wrapped presents under their Christmas tree.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How Movies Affect People's Lives

  I strongly believe that movies and television have a great influence on people's behaviour. It is an undeniable fact that most people in the world have access to either a televison or a cinema theatre and do make use of them at a regular basis.Some of the ways in which such media can affect people are stated below. 

  Firstly, The main group of people who are attracted to the television and movies are teenagers. This is the group that is most likely to change. They often try to emulate what they see on screen in order to be a hero themselves.It is common to see young people trying  to be like their Idols.

  Secondly, Each country or region has its own culture and it is necessary to preserve them in order to exhibit cultural diversity to future generations. There are a lot of programs and scenes that are being broadcaste on televisions and  in movies that might not conform to the mindset of the local society. But sometimes young people get influenced by these scenes. They get a false impression that they should live their life the way people live in foreign movies. They tend to change themseves according to what they see. This might destroy the native traditions and customs, which is highly understandable 

  These are some of the ways in which people's behaviour can be afftected by mass media such as television and movies, but at the same time we can deny the fact that movies and television are very important  in our lives.

 In conclusion I would like to say that I'm a big movie fan and I personally don't see bed sides of movies and television. There are lots of movies out there which we have to watch  in order to be interesting and intelligent. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Իմ Մասնագիտական Կողմնորոշումը

  Ես ապագա շուկաըագետ եմ, ցանկանում եմ ընդհունվել Հայ-Սլավոնական համալսարանի տնտեսագիտական բաժինը, իսկ հետագայում ուսումս շարունակեմ արտերկրում ցանկալի է ԱՄ նահանգներում: Ավարտելուց հետո աշխատանքս պատկերացնում եմ որևէ ընկերությունում որես շուկայագետ կամ գովազդի մասնագետ: Ցանկանում եմ ուսումնասիրել շուկան և հասկանալ, թե ինչ է պետք անել սպառողին գրավելու համար, և ինչպես դրթել սպառողին գնել այս կամ այն ապրանքը: Ընտրել եմ այդ մասնագիտությունը, որպիսի դառնալով տնտեսագետ ունենամ հետաքրքիր, ինչ որ չափով ստեղծագործ և բազմաբովանդակ աշխատանք:

  Մասնագիտության ընտրության մեջ ինձ օգնել է մորս օրինակը , քանի որ նա արդեն գրեթե 14 տարի է աշխատում է բանկում։ Փոքրուց այցելելով մայրիկիս աշխատավայրը ինձ հետաքրքիր է եղել այտեղի անցուդարձը, բայց մայրս ասում է որ դա ձանձրալի ու միապաղաղ աշխատանք է այդ պատճառով ես որոշեցի ընտրել տնտեսագիտության առավել ստեղծագործ ոլորտը մարքեթինգը։Իսկ հետագայում երկրորդ մասնագիտություն  ձեռք բերելու մասին դեռևս չեմ մտածել, քանի որ վստահ եմ որ ճիշտ ընտրություն եմ կատարել։

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Teenagers And Their Problems

  Teenagers face a number of problems these days, and just as our society has changed over time, so have the problems faced by teens. Female teenagers are no longer considered educationally subnormal when compared to men like they were years ago, which is one problem that no longer exists.But there are few more.
  A modern student is told that if he/she does not get a degree, then he/she will be a lower income earner for the rest of his/her life. There is also the pressure to do well that comes from society, parents and the educational institutions themselves. Many teens suffer from a range of stress related illnesses and even stress related conditions .
  Drugs are everywhere, and this is especially true in North America where a lot of money may be made from selling drugs to kids. Acceptance into peer groups is often conditional of them taking drugs of some sort , and since teens often have trouble judging the long-term repercussions of their actions, they are often caught up in addiction from an early age.
  It often comes down to a question of loyalty, but to whom a teenager should be loyal is quite mixed. If a teenager cannot find that loyalty within a family environment, then he/she may look towards a gang or church. Join a church and the teen is bullied for believing in a super-monster in the sky, and join a gang and you are bullied by the police. The word loyalty is often thrown around when morality is questioned.
  The effect of hormones is not as dramatic as the TV may make you think. Teens do not lose their sense of right and wrong, or become irrational. But, as any woman who suffers from may tell you, hormones are capable of making a person more emotional and sensitive than usual. Add this to a teenage body, which is not used to dealing with such emotional shifts, and you get some very odd behavior and reactions.
  The “norm” is often all that is required in order to make it through education. A person must have no major differences to all the other students in order to avoid the harshest ridicule. However, teenage years are often a time for self discovery, and this often means exposing individuality. Doing this will create a conflict between being oneself and acting/dressing/talking the same way as others.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Are Women Better Parents Than Man?

Are  Women Better Parents Than Man?

  Women are the light of our houses. While men are the leaders of our houses. Both of them are very important when it comes to child rearing. But who among them is the better parent? Are women really better parents than men?
  There was a time when psychologists believed that the mother-child relation was stronger than father-child relation but now these people think that both are equally important. Parents play a very important role in the development of a child. According to a general opinion mothers outshine fathers, but now this notion is no longer accepted.
  Fathers in this era are playing an extremely active role in the upbringing of a child. According to a research depression and behavior problems are apparent in the child who is deprived of father’s love and attention.
  The role of women cannot be ignored or undermined. Children tend to share their feelings and ideas with their mothers in a more open manner . Mothers and children have always had cordial relations.
  In conclusion I want to say that parenting is an art which requires many qualities in person. This quality comes by experience in parents. I believe that both mother and father play equal role in raising children . There is a famous quote that experience makes a person perfect. In addition perfection is the first point towards a good parenting. However every person has his own areas of perfection therefore I suggest that Children should be taught by their parents according to their perfection area. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Being a celebrity

Nowadays people are interested on the life of celebrities more than any other time, people want to know everything about celebrities- such as movie stars or famous sports celebrities.

It is widely believed that famous people have a wonderful life with no worries or problems. But is being famous so easy? The greatest advantage of being famous is that celebrities are usually very rich so they have easier lives than other people. They live in beautiful houses maintained by housekeepers, gardeners, cooks and other servants. They do not have to worry about paying bills, can afford the best clothes and drive the latest models of fast cars. What is more, they spend their holidays in expensive resorts, get the best hotel rooms and the most efficient service. Moreover, when you are famous, your name is known by everyone. Then, you are invited to the best parties and meet other celebrities. Your fans send you letters to tell you how much they admire you. Most people dream about being famous. They want to be admired and loved by fans. The media show rich and fashionable stars and it is believed that their lives are full of happiness and pleasure. Celebrities have everything that they want. Therefore they do not have to worry about the future. If they want to meet another star', it is not so hard. Around-the-world trip? It is not a problem, either. What is more, there are a lot of stars' who use their glory to help people. Your reach to influence people is wider. You get freebies just for being famous, such as sponsors going to you, or people that are fans of yours. In relation to influence, your words may weigh heavier than any other person less famous. Thus, you get the advantage of saying your views about the world. And suggesting your own changes. Altough it seems to be true, there are also some major drawbacks. The more they get and succeed the more they are expected by their fans to achieve. This is an immense stress for them. The state of constant stress pushes many of them in alcoholism, drug-addiction and depression. To conclude I think that everybody likes to be in the public eye. It's nice when you can be an authority...

Monday, September 22, 2014


Learning foreign languages
 Learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing. Nowadays it’s especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. I study English. It’s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Over 300 million people speak it is a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America,Canada, Australia and New Zeland.
    “Do you speak English?” – with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language.
    It’s very good when you hear: “Yes, I do”, and start talking. People from different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in the world trade and technology as well as with each other.
    So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.
    English is very popular now. It’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. English language is a wonderful language. It’s the language of the great literature. It’s the language of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and others. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It’s the language of computer technology. Nearly half of all business deals in Europe are conducted in English. The largest broadcasting companies in the world (CBS, NBS, ABC, BBC) transmit in English to audiences that regularly exceed one hundred million. The great German poet Goette once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one”. That’s why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages.
    Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV programs. If you like traveling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you.
    I think that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.
    So, English has no equals! Dispute it if you can!​